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Why become a member?

Extensive Information & Advice

 ENYSSP keeps you up-to-date about most recent publications, news on recent job offers, study programmes and future conferences.


You have questions about more practical issues, like ethical guidelines or how to promote your business? - Why not ask the MC or our members?


 The information is distributed via our Newsletter, Flash news, Facebook, Twitter and on our website.

Online Activities & Practical Tools

The ENYSSP departments offer useful tools, checklists, questionnaires, case studies, references and much more to support young specialists in the delivery of quality work in the field of sports.


All members have access to our membership-area with around 10 hours of webinars discussing different topics in the field of sport and exercise psychology.

Active Involvement

ENYSSP offers you an exclusive chance to discuss applied cases with colleagues around the world during our regular Peer consulting sessions.




Networking & Sharing Experiences

ENYSSP has members all over Europe and the world.  We help our members connect with other specialists in their field or domain during the yearly ENYSSP Workshops and other ENYSSP-supported events.  


ENYSSP collaborates with other federations such as FEPSAC, ISSP and AASP. ENYSSP will be your voice if you want to provide them with new ideas or suggestions. 

Become a member now!

Sign up for only 25€ a year (January to December) and also receive great discounts on our annual workshop. By becoming a member you agree to our Terms & Conditions and the ENYSSP Statues. Please note that membership payments will not be reimbursed.

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