Peer Consultation Sessions (PCS)
peers working together
​Rationale and Aims
Peer consultation is the process of peers working together for mutual benefit
Open to those members who are currently working and have already gained some supervised experience as applied practitioners
The aim is to help maintain and enhance their skills, manage difficult clients, and adhere to the ethical principles of the discipline
They are held online every couple of months
Prior to the PCS
You will receive an e-mail from the applied department with the exact date of the next PCS
If you have, prepare and submit a case:
Why the client (athlete, coach, team etc.) say they wanted sport psychology input
Case formulation/needs analysis
A short background of the client
‘Set off’ behaviour/s, triggers relevant to the issue
Describe any resultant effects of the issue, factors that influence, maintain and/or increase the behaviour/s
Describe any coping mechanisms that the client engages in
Intervention delivered so far, objectives, any underpinning technical/theoretical rationale
Response to the intervention so far, if any
Your main question for this case personal reflection/evaluation of the process
When we gather all the cases, we will send it out to vote - the case with the most votes will be presented at the PCS
Before the meeting, you will be sent the case with the most votes and your job is to familiarize yourself with it and prepare your questions​
At the PCS
Introductions and questions regarding the procedure​​
Gathering information about the elected case by asking questions
Analysing the situation
​Content of the case
Ethical considerations
What is the key question that requires a solution in this case?
Individual suggestions for solutions​
Reaction of the case submitter
Reference: This procedure is originally created by Mark Schuls, 2011-2015 member of the applied department of the ENYSSP MC and applied sport psychologist at TipTop Sport (www.tiptop-sport.nl).
Each PCS participant should send their suggestions for the case to the PCS leader within a deadline of one week. Then the PCS leader will send a report to all participants in which case, the main question and the provided solutions are described.